Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jackson County Brevet - Braselton, GA - 16 June 2012

This was the 3rd year for the Jackson County Brevet and my 2nd riding in it.  It was the "scene" of my first metric century (66 miles) last year and almost my last.  Last year, I had been riding for 2.5 months leading up to this ride and thought I would set a personal best.  Well, the last 10 miles just about did me in after a pretty steep hill around mile 44 took a lot out of me.  At least this year I knew what was out there plus I now have a road bike instead of the hybrid.

This is one of the best organized group rides I've been on.  Robert Wilhite, a cycling coach, created the event to raise funds to support research into finding a cure for Aplastic Anemia/MDS.  Robert's wife has AA and he was disturbed when he found out the treatment hasn't advanced in 25 years.  It was reported 1200 riders took part in this year's event.  The start/finish area was Northside Church right off I-85 in Braselton.  Lots of parking and indoor restrooms highlight this event.  The SAG stops were superb as well as the post ride meal.

I was fortunate to meet up with some riders I have met on other rides.  These fine folks generally participate in Atlanta Cycling rides and lots of fun to ride with.  Mike "Hollywood" Harmon is the unofficial leader and his videos of various rides are top notch.  I actually made it in to this video.

Jackson County Brevet video 

Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle was the official "starter" of the ride.  The first 15 miles or so are pretty much downhill which makes it pretty fast.  You have to be on your toes and comfortable riding in close proximity to 1200 other riders.  Things kind of break up after the first SAG stop.  The weather was pretty cool for June in Georgia and the humidity was lower than normal.  At our first SAG stop, Robert Wilhite led us back on the road for a few miles.  Last year, I was pretty much riding solo and had a good time.  This year, riding with a group really bumped up the fun factor and provided good motivation for keeping up with the group.  The hill at mile 44 is still plenty steep.  At least I did not stop after making it to the top although my heart rate was plenty high.  The last 10 miles were very hard again, but my average speed for the 66 miles was higher than last year.

One of my favorites and I'm looking forward to next year!

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